Avuton Olrich (3): gmpc version 0.19.96 Modify version string to post-release version 0.19.97 gmpc version 0.19.98 Qball Cow (26): Update copyright headers Workaround for MPD's bug that always returns an empty tag in list command. Remove false trailing space Remove false trailing space Fixing one leak on close Fixe valgrind run script. Make sure I explicitely include libgio Fix leak in setting window title (playlist3.c:1654) Fix several non-free'ed strings. Updating suppression file. Support raw image.(selector still missing) Support setting raw data (temporary solution) Fix title of about dialog fix clearing off artist/album entry Add plural support to translations Add get_text_from_html function, and use it. Add artist information to now-playing Fix bug 2754. Use load for mpd 0.16.0 and up, if fail, try todo it yourself Cleanup Remember last selected file in image-selector and text-selector 2644 Add separate model for song-list to album view (so sorting does not interfere) and add song list to artist list. fix bug 2373: do not close notification if mouse is over it. Add right mouse menu to Favorite button with playlists Fix for bug 2733 Add an option that sets search as you type. (with 250ms) Use gtk-entry-changed signal to avoid false re-search